Refund policy

Thank you for choosing our digital products. We value every customer, and while we aim to meet your expectations, we understand that sometimes things might not work out as planned.

Refunds: Due to the nature of digital goods, we typically do not offer refunds or exchanges. Once a digital product is downloaded, it cannot be "returned" in the traditional sense. This policy is in place to protect the integrity of our products and to prevent potential misuse.

However, we're committed to ensuring you're satisfied with your purchase. If you find our product lacking or not as expected, we're keen to hear from you. Feedback is invaluable to us, aiding our ongoing improvement efforts.

Valid Refund Reasons: While reasons such as "This doesn't apply to me", "This wasn't what I expected", "I'm dissatisfied", "This wasn't what I was looking for", "I was expecting a course (when we clearly state it's not a course)" orย asking for a refund just because we have a money-back guarantee aren't typically grounds for a refund, we understand there can be genuine issues.

To be eligible for a refund, we ask that customers provide constructive feedback outlining what specifically didn't meet their expectations. Should your feedback point towards genuine issues in the product, we will consider it as a valid reason for a refund.

By sharing your feedback, not only do you help us grow, but you also stand a chance to see your suggestions come to life in our future releases.

We appreciate your understanding in this matter. If you wish to discuss further or have additional feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us. Your satisfaction remains our top priority.


PLEASE NOTE:ย To prevent misuse of our 14-Day Money Back Guarantee, please note that refunds are not eligible for orders refunded on the same day without attempting to implement the suggestions provided and seeing results.

P.S. To avoid scammers that buy our digital products and ask for a refundย within the same day, abusing our guarantee - we add an additional term: you are not eligible for a refund if you refund the order on the same day, without implementing the things we suggest and seeingย results for yourself.