The #1 Checklist for eCom Emails πŸ†

If you own a 4-7 figure online store business, this checklist will drastically boost your email profitability.

For eCommerce stores & Marketing Agencies.

Here's a crazy statistic.



πŸ‘† This is how much revenue an average eCommerce owner burns per year due to bad email flows

After auditing 125 Klaviyo accounts, we've found that 95% of eCommerce owners were losing $10,000 every single month. 🀯 

The problem is not your ads. ❌

It's your email strategy. πŸ‘‡


How much money are you losing from your email flows right now?

Your core flows are generating less than

❌ 20% of store revenue?

You don't send campaigns regularly

❌ less than 5 newsletters per month?

Your core sign-up form is generating less than

❌ 10% opt-in rate?

If this is true, you could be losing more than $100k per year just from email😣

There's a better way πŸ”₯

πŸ”‘ This checklist is your opportunity to get ahead with zero guesswork.

Skip the hard work and get the exact strategy we use for generating more than $10M/year just from email.

How everyone else does it:

❌ Email revenue lower than 20%

❌ Poor deliverability

❌ Unstructured flow strategy

❌ Bad subscriber acquisition

❌ Loads of guesswork

How we do it:

βœ… At least 40% revenue coming from Klaviyo every month for our accounts 

βœ… Zero guesswork, easy actionable tasks for quick results

βœ… Exact to-do checklist we used for generating $10M/year from email 

 πŸ‘† Instead of guesswork, we simply use a checklist.

With this, we were able to generate $10m per year just from email. 


Here's how.

Hi – I'm David, the Founder & CEO of Monkeflow. I've  sent over 600m emails and done $25M just in email revenue for eCommerce clients alone.

Yet, there was this one thing I've noticed after auditing 125 email Klaviyo accounts. 95% of eCommerce stores were leaving so much money on the table. Even those, that had email marketing agencies working with them.

We have accounts making $50M/year with 50% of whole store's revenue coming just from email & SMS. That's $25M per year coming just from email & SMS alone. Just imagine the impact.

This is what you should be aiming for:

βœ… 50% of store revenue coming from email marketing

βœ… 60% open rates from your flows & campaigns

βœ… 10% opt-in rates for your pop-ups

This checklist will put you in the top 1% of Klaviyo Shopify stores. πŸ‘‡

All of this should result in you making much more profit.

If you're making at least $1M/yr, in eCom emails – the money is in the details.

To make life easier, we've put all the actionable steps into a simple comprehensive checklist.

The checklist includes:

  • 182 actionable tasks to implement right now

  • 95 examples with Notion files & videos

  • Exact strategies we use for $50M/yreCom brands


Get quick wins. 

Even quicker.

Get an exact action step that you can implement right now, with zero fluff.

  • Simple action items to increase Klaviyo profitability

  • Step-by-step examples for the right flow setup

  • Exact strategy that has been used for $50M brands.

@alexurbanavicius β€’ Oct 12, 2022

I've audited multiple Klaviyo accounts for some great eCom brands, and this checklist takes the cake. The value packed in here is INSANE –– great job @monkeflowdotcom

Alex Urban

Performance Marketer / 70MM+ in Revenue


The 3 biggest mistakes most online stores make: 

πŸ‘‰ Your subscriber collection sucks. Without proper list collection (+10% opt-in rates) you're losing money on every web visitor.

Implementing a brand-oriented pop-up strategy with proper incentives & timing is absolutely key at $1M+ year levels. 

πŸ‘‰ Your emails end up in spam. Without healthy open rates, even the best strategy can fail miserably. Most have deliverability wrong.

Revenue comes from clicks, clicks come from opens. Maintaining healthy reputation and implementing smart tactics is key. 

πŸ‘‰ Your core flow setup is losing money. Generating less than 30% from main flows, means there's usually a problem.

For most brands, having proper main flows in place can make or break the profitability of the business. Nailing them is crucial. 


90% of accounts we audit fail in these core areas. Fixing this alone can result in a 30% revenue boost from email marketing – in less than a few hours.

This checklist solves these three key areas with actionable steps you can implement right now. πŸ‘‡

What if you could double your email profitability in just 30 minutes?

You could grow way faster if only you had proper email marketing set up on your backend. 

All you need to do is click the button below and buy the most comprehensive eCom email checklist on the planet. πŸ‘‡

4.97 based on 233 reviews

@titasjurkonis β€’ Nov 3, 2022

Hired David last year to boost our eCom email revenue and the results were awesome. Can't believe he really packed all his best tips in one place. This is the checklist to get if you're looking to increase your e-commerce store profitability.

Titas Jurkonis

Co-Founder of Blazer Agency


Worried about the 

rising costs of advertising?

The only thing that's stopping you from achieving big growth is advertising. Only that recently, ads have become more expensive.

Ads are becoming increasingly more expensive.

All of these store owners (or their teams) were spending hundreds of hours every month optimizing their ad campaigns... yet every single year β€” without fail! β€” it’s been getting more and more expensive to convert website visitors into buyers.

This is what you can do πŸ‘‡

What if there was a simple way to overcome this?

This is what $100m/year DTC brands do instead πŸ‘‡

In order to acquire customers, you need to spend money. The more money you can spend, the more you can acquire.

Big brands know this. And the reason why the best in the game focus on email so much is really simple. Here it is:

It costs virtually zero to get traffic from email.

This allows these brands to grow faster, because they will make up the difference with their email flows & campaigns. This is the difference between a $1M/yr and a $100M/yr brand.

This is your only way to break the $100M per year barrier and grow faster πŸ‘‡

With this email checklist that $100M+ brands use, you will:

  • drastically boost your store's profitability

  • be able to spend more on ads and grow faster

  • become the 1% store in your exact niche

All you need to do is click the button below and buy the most comprehensive e-commerce email checklist on the planet.

4.97 based on 233 reviews

@willsauciunas21 β€’ Oct 16, 2022

The best part is that this checklist helps me spend more on Facebook and increase bottom line results. Showed it to my eCommerce clients, they implemented a few key changes and now the whole account is healthier overall –– all because of proper email setup.

Will Sauciunas

E-commerce Strategist & Media Buyer

What's inside πŸ‘‡

Generate over $100k in 30 minutes with the exact sales strategy we use in our clients' campaigns βœ…

Get a deliverability checklist to get your email open rates from 20% to 60% and into the primary inboxes βœ…

Decrease billing costs and increase overall email deliverability with general Klaviyo account tips βœ…

Copy & paste our flow setup with exact step-by-step strategy for: abandoned cart; welcome flow; browse abandonment βœ…

Boost your backend profitability with advanced an post-purchase strategy with example emails and tips βœ…


And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There's over 180 actionable items to implement.

Access to our eCom 

Email Discord πŸ’¬

Still need help and guidance? Get personalized group support.

  • Over 300+ members from eCommerce

  • Share tips, ideas and tricks

  • Get additional group guidance and tips

πŸ‘‰ We've sent over 600m emails. 

πŸ‘‰ Tested over 200+ different setups. 

πŸ‘‰ Generated more than $25m+ in revenue from email.

Now, we've put all of our knowledge into this checklist...

... so you won't have to test anymore.



that's how many emails we've delivered just in 2021

Just in 2021


that's how much added revenue we added for our clients

Less than


the minimum increase we see with accounts we audit

Monkeflow is the leading eCommerce email marketing agency for profitability. 

With a sharp focus on actual sales results, brands hire us to generate immense profit from automations and backend.

We've sent over 600m emails and we've put all of our best practices into this checklist. 


How does this work?

  • Get the most advanced eCom Email Bible on the planet.
  • Go over every checkpoint and evaluate your account.

  • Implement the tasks, starting with those that require the least amount of effort and bring the biggest effect.

  • Once you’re done with your tasks, start enjoying looking at the increased revenue that this checklist brought to you.

Get an exact-guide to increase your email profitability now! πŸ”₯

eCom Email Bible 

The #1 eCommerce Checklist for Email.



$20 OFF – Sale Ends Soon!

Get a checklist that will drastically boost your email profitability:

  • Klaviyo Tips, Email Collection Tips and More (Over 180 Action Items)

  • Deliverability Strategy to Get Emails Out of Spam and Into Customers' Inboxes

  • Welcome Flow, Abandoned Cart Flow, Browse Abandonment Flow Setup with Examples 

  • Advanced Post-Purchase Flow Setup with Examples (Including Win-Back)

  • 14x Tips for Sending Campaigns + Strategy We Used To Generate $100k in 30 Minutes

Included: 180+ critical checkpoints

Risk free: 14-day money-back guarantee

After payment, you will receive the checklist immediately.

BEST VALUE - Save $36!

eCom Email Bundle

2024 Calendar Kit πŸ“… + Email Bible Checklist πŸ“š


Included in the eCom Campaign Bundle:

  • eCom Email Calendar (Over 170+ email examples to copy & paste)

  • eCom Email Bible (Over 180 Action Items to set-up your email account like 6-9 figure brands do)

  • Advanced Segmentation Cheatsheet (Copy & Paste Our Campaign Segmentation Setup)

  • Anti-Spam Checklist (Get Out Of Promotions Tab Into Primary Inboxes of Customers)

  • Ultimate Campaign Metrics Guide (For Most Newsletter Metrics and Stats To Track) 

  • Welcome, Abandoned Cart, Browse Abandonment, Post-Purchase, Win-Back  flows Setup with Examples 

  • 14x Tips for Sending Campaigns + Strategy We Used To Generate $100k in 30 Minutes

  • Lifetime Access to Our Discord and 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Included: Email Bible + Email Calendar

Guarantee: 14-day money-back guarantee

Access: Discord with over 900 people

After payment, you will receive the bundle immediately.

100% 14-Day Money Back Guarantee

We're so confident in our products, where If you're not satisfied, you have the right to get a full 14-day refund.

This is your only way to break the $100M per year barrier and grow faster πŸ‘‡

With this email checklist for $100M+ brands, you will:

  • drastically boost your store's profitability

  • be able to spend more on ads and grow faster

  • become the 1% store in your exact niche

All you need to do is click the button below and buy the most comprehensive e-commerce email checklist on the planet.

4.97 based on 233 reviews

Extra questions? πŸ‘‡

Is this checklist valuable for brands that have no flows or campaigns in place? 

Absolutely –– if you want to get a head start with all your email setup, this checklist is a must have for you store. It included all the necessary flow examples, campaign tips and account setup tips, so you don't lose money long-term.

I currently use Mailchimp/Omnisend (or some other platform), not Klaviyo. Will this work for me?

Yes, the principles here can be universally applied. We use Klaviyo because it has the most amount of functionality and advanced parameters –– but you can apply the same strategies with other email sending platforms.

Our list size and revenue is pretty small (less than $30,000 per month). Will this be valuable for me?

Absolutely. Being small, you cannot afford to test different flow setups and campaign strategies –- you need something that works, so you can focus on growing your business. This checklist does just that.

Will this checklist generate better email results for my store? And if so, how?

Yes, and if not – get all your money back, no questions asked. We focus on three key areas – subscriber acquisition, email deliverability and core flow setup. By focusing on these three areas, we can guarantee better results.

There are so many other email checklists. How is this different from all the other resources out there?

All the other email resources we've found were built for email marketers, not eCommerce business owners. You want actionable tips, that will bring instant results. After sending 600m emails, we've created just that –– an actionable checklist for eCommerce brands to get an instant email profitability boost.

I don't have the time to implement all of this. Why should I care about this?

That's why we've distilled it down to actionable and simple parts. You can get better results in less than 30 minutes –– or you can give this checklist to your team for them to overlook your account. As ad costs are rising, having solid email flows is absolutely key for better profitability long-term. 

I've still got questions.

No worries! Feel free to chat us up at if you have any further questions – we're happy to help you out.

Try it yourself, and if for any reason you don't see results – get a full refund  πŸ‘‡

Last chance –– 70% OFF

Double your email profitability in just 30 minutes πŸ‘‡

14-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked

4.97 based on 233 reviews